Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Greetings from me

Hello! I am Charlie and many of my FaceBook pals also know my nickname.."Da Red Hot Houndie". Dat is because I am red and I luv da lady bassets. I have two room mate basset ladies, which are more like sisters...or "pains in my arse". Their names are Bailey and Ivy. Ivy is a new addition as she was a "foster failure" meaning my owner (a,k.a momma dog) fostered her and then adopted her. Bailey is also a rescue but has been here longer than Ivy. I was da first basset on dis scene. I am a Champion Bloodline, which means problems. Yes, I have healff issues. I am almost 7 yrs old and was not supposed to live past a year. I have patent ductus arteriosis and pulmonary stenosis. My heart is HUGE and I have to take medication twice a day. I am very loved and I have a great personality. Geez, aren't all bassets great? Anyways, I sure hope u enjoy my blog. Fanks! CBS

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